NKD-019 Ultrasonic Portable EMAT Thickness Gauge
The NKD-019 Ultrasonic Portable EMAT Thickness Gauge is a convenient, compact, sophisticated, and innovative field instrument. This instrument can be used to measure the thickness of components, pipes, vessels, and other metal objects easily and precisely. The gauge enables measurements to be taken at a vast range of surface temperatures, going from -20 to 720 degrees Celsius. As a rule, plastic coatings, paint, or limescale on the surface do not affect the results of measurements.
The unique properties of this gauge are caused by the clever use of the principle of electromagnetic acoustic transduction (EMAT), which allows ultrasonic waves to be generated and received in metal objects without direct contact or the use of coolant. In fact, the gap between the material being tested and the EMAT in the gauge can be as high as 4mm.